Monday, April 7, 2008

Paper vs. Web

When comparing the two types of writing, it is important to discuss the similarities and differences between the two. The amount of writing on paper I have done in recent years has decreased greatly due to the use of computers. In my day to day activities, rarely do I ever find my-self writing anything of importance or great length on paper. School work, job related work, applications, and many other types of writing are more common on the web now than on paper. This one of the major differences between the two types of mediums. Fifteen years ago, almost all work, school, and personal writing was done on paper. Now, almost everyone in school or working has access to a computer. When comparing the use of the web vs. paper, the two areas have many similarities and differences as well. One way in which they are the same is that the information does not change. You can read the same newspaper article on a website as you can in the actual paper itself. However, the use of the web has made everything much more accessible from anywhere in the world. It also has made researching for past writings much easier with the use of search engines and other various tools. When transferring from one medium to the other, in this case paper to web, there are several things that are different. One is that with web writing you must keep your wording concise and to the point. Most people just skim through web articles and postings to get the most important information. However, when it comes to reading the paper most people have more time and read the articles thoroughly. 
Of course with any writing, the use of grammatically correct language, writing to a specific audience, and so on are very important in both mediums. 

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