Friday, February 15, 2008

Cover Letters

Firstly, I do not agree with all of the information given. I feel as though the cover letter is not cast away immediately as said. It seems as though the resume reader would at least glance over it to give themselves and idea of the resume that are about to read. However, I do agree with the point about cover letters being specific and personal. You should not send out 100 of the same cover letters to different companies and wait for responses. It some cases a cover letter may need to be different based on what type of company is receiving the letter. 
I also like this site because it describes in somewhat good detail, exactly what to include in your cover letter and in what order. This will come very useful in the near future when I need to write my cover letters. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the post script... especially the handwritten one. It does have some other good advice, to which you alluded. Good critical eye!