Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Weather

I am sick and tired of waking up and wondering what type of weather to expect here in Clemson. I may look outside and one could assume that it was 70 degrees and sunny but until further inspection you find it to be 40 degrees. It's not only the deception, it's also the consistent fluctuations. For instance, this past Friday it was 44 degree with mist and rain all day long. And then yesterday (Saturday) it was 68 degrees and sunny all day. I love Clemson and everything it has to offer, but I would rather have it 68 and sunny everyday or even 44 and misty than to have it change on a daily basis. This may just me ranting at the moon do to the fact that today's high is 55 and rain is in the forecast. It seems as though we have daily cold fronts. Where as at home in Orlando the weather is consistent everyday and if  a cold front moves in, it lasts for several days. Who knows what to expect tomorrow, maybe snow again and then 82 degrees the next day.  

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